Grow sales and profit in GPO and government print markets
Exclusive Top 50 U.S. GPO Suppliers Report
Government opportunities can be difficult to understand, price and win without keen insight into the process and competitive landscape. We enable our clients to win more government bid solicitations because:
We make you eligible for more opportunities – Beyond quality certification and bid awareness services, our team further ensures your eligibility for the most opportunities by reviewing the appropriateness of bid specification and award criteria. If your competitive position is unduly compromised or disqualified by a job’s improper quality rating or unjust bid restrictions, we’ll protest the issue. Our legal team has a proven record of success in this area leading to wins for our clients that they would have never achieved without our help.
We enable you to identify, understand and focus on the most desirable opportunities – Our team ensures that an attractive opportunity is never lost because it’s overlooked or misinterpreted.
- Solicitation targeting - In addition to sending you all available solicitations for review, our team also identifies those we believe you are best suited to win based on your specific production needs and capabilities.
- Specification consulting and program analysis - Our experts help you understand complex specifications including interpretation of three key GPO documents: specifications for the specific contract, GPO Contract Terms (Publication 310.2) and Quality Assurance Through Attributes Program (QATAP) for Printing and Binding (GPO Pub. 310.1)
We enable you to optimize pricing - We help you to be most competitive without leaving significant money on the table. Our one-of-a-kind combination of expertise and historical data is what permits us to facilitate smart bidding and price optimization
- Our database contains over 25 years of GPO jobs with their associated awards and competitive activity.
- Bidding programs - We provide the complex analysis needed to win Bidding Programs (annual contracts with multi-year extensions). Because of our exclusive database, we know what has been procured on each program and can identify erroneous specifications and position you to take advantage of them.
We help cut the red tape – Once we have helped you identify the right opportunities, we train and assist you in managing the required GPO paperwork, which must be received on time and in proper, complete format – all necessary for bid acceptance and contract award.